Sunday, August 4, 2013

Action Research Plan 

For the 2013-2014 school year, our campus will be implementing Standards Based Bulletin Boards in an effort to improve overall student academic success.  I am interested in following the progress of both teachers and students as they undergo learning a new way to "dig deeper" into learning and being able to identify where their learning comes from and why.  

How will the implementation of Standards Based Bulletin Boards affect the academic success of students at James A. Arthur Intermediate School? 

Action Research Plan
Goal: Determine the effectiveness of Standard Based Bulletin Boards on academic success.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Discuss Action Research Plan with site supervisor

Patricia Vaughn
August 2013
Meeting with site supervisor
Approval from site supervisor
Attend training/informational meetings on Standards Based Bulletin Boards (SBBB) and requirements for this school year for implementation.

Assistant Principal
August 2013
In-service calendar for campus
Meeting notes, attendance log in sheet
Present Action Research Plan to teachers

Patricia Vaughn
August 2013
Teacher schedules, campus schedule, meeting location

Meeting notes
Identify classrooms and/or grade levels for research

Patricia Vaughn
August 2013 – September 2013
Coworker input and cooperation, class lists, meeting location

Meeting notes
Instruct students on the use of blogs, QR codes, and to extend data results
Patricia Vaughn
September 2013 – December 2014
Internet, notebooks or iPad stations, computer lab, paper, bulletin boards, QR code software installed on iPad station, printer/copy machine

Lesson plans, student blog and edmodo id’s, photographs of bulletin boards with QR codes

Gather data for 1st six weeks, share data with teachers, principal, & assistant principal
Patricia Vaughn
August 26, 2013 – October 4, 2013
School records, principal approval, coworker input, student input
Grade reports, Meeting notes, Anecdotal records, photographs of SBBB in target group areas

Gather data for 2nd six weeks, share data with teachers, principal, & assistant principal
Patricia Vaughn
October 7, 2013 – November 8, 2013
School records, principal approval, coworker input, student input
Grade reports, Meeting notes, Anecdotal records, photographs of SBBB in target group areas

Gather data for 3rd six weeks, share data with teachers, principal, & assistant principal
Patricia Vaughn
November 11, 2013 – December 20, 2013
School records, principal approval, coworker input, student input
Grade reports, Meeting notes, Anecdotal records, photographs of SBBB in target group areas

Conduct survey with teachers
Patricia Vaughn
December 2013 (1st semester)
Teacher survey, paper, copy machine

Conduct survey with students
Patricia Vaughn
December 2013 (1st semester
Student survey, paper, copy machine

Communicate with other teachers regarding their input on SBBB
Patricia Vaughn
August 2013 – June 2014
Teacher schedules, campus schedules, meeting location, notes

Meeting notes
Gather data for 4th six weeks, share data with teachers, principal, & assistant principal
Patricia Vaughn
January 7, 2014 – February 21, 2014
School records, principal approval, coworker input, student input
Grade reports, Meeting notes, Anecdotal records, photographs of SBBB in target group areas

Gather data for 5th  six weeks, share data with teachers, principal, & assistant principal
Patricia Vaughn
February 24, 2014 – April 17, 2014
School records, principal approval, coworker input, student input
Grade reports, Meeting notes, Anecdotal records, photographs of SBBB in target group areas

Gather data for 6th six weeks, share data with teachers, principal, & assistant principal
Patricia Vaughn
April 21, 2014 – June 5, 2014
School records, principal approval, coworker input, student input
Grade reports, Meeting notes, Anecdotal records, photographs of SBBB in target group areas

Conduct survey with teachers
Patricia Vaughn
May 2014 (2nd semester)
Teacher survey, paper, copy machine
Conduct survey with students
Patricia Vaughn
May 2014 (2nd semester)
Student survey, paper, copy machine

Analyze and interpret data
Patricia Vaughn
June 2014 – July 2015
School records, meeting notes, anecdotal records, surveys, photographs of bulletin board items

Research findings report
Share results with administration and make recommendation
Patricia Vaughn
Assistant Principal
August 2014 – September 2014
Research findings paper, schedule time for meeting, meeting location

Copy of findings for administration

Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)


  1. Patricia,

    Is the blackboard thing an initiative that your entire school is utilizing this year? Are you working with a team or doing this all on your own (person responsible column)? Do you have any survey questions or interview questions ready yet? When you say "teachers" do you mean the entire campus or a certain group/grade level? I like this plan, there are great possibilities here. Your use of technology is nice also. I hope that all goes well and that you have a great rest of your summer.

  2. This will be implemented schoolwide, which is 5th and 6th grade.
    I would like to make my research results on a smaller scale. Something like only 5th grade, or only my team pod (3 teachers), or even 5th grade science classes (4 teachers). My site supervisor is spearheading this initiative and is sharing in the research with me because she has to present it to admin. Should I add her name too?

  3. I would, it's detail and more is better at this point. Here is a link to mine:

    You can check out my google site and see what I did on Assignment Part 4 here:

    I'm a bit OCD I think, so I can go overboard at times. But the more data and information I have to work with the better off I'll be. I agree, a tighter group will be easier to track for you. Do enough to get the data you need, etc.

  4. This is a very thorough action plan. I like how you collect data often to see the growth of this project. Do you guys do standard based grading? If so It will be very interesting to see if there is a direct correlation of improvement in grades in that certain standard. I also like how you interview students and the teachers. You could maybe also interview administration? Just a thought. Great job!

  5. I know I said this on your discussion post, but I am really intrigued with your action research. I like the idea of teaching students different Web 2.0 tools to extend their learning and provide more data. I can't remember if you already addressed this, but are the SBBB going to be one specific subject area across the school or will you let participating teachers choose which subject will be used for their SBBB? It would be interesting to see if the SBBB are more effective for some curricular areas than others. I look forward to seeing your results!
